Sunday, January 2, 2011


I decided to start off 2011 with a couple of pictures of my workspace. It is not large, but works great for spoon carving. I used to carve in the basement of the house in a typical shop space. It was cold and isolated. After seeing Robin Wood carving in the living room I knew I needed to make a change. I repurposed a rolltop desk of my sons into a carving bench. It continues to slowly evolve.

The top left is a nice overview of the space I work in. I do the rough out either outside on my chopping block or in the basement with my bandsaw.

Top right shows the tools I use most often. There are several knives from Dell  A Left handed Carving Jack from Flexcut, a couple of Japanese tools (plane and spokeshave), and a small drawknife.

The bottom left is another view and the middle picture is a ladle I am working on. I copied the desk vice from an article I found on Barry Gordon's site.
He is a master and I hope to one day meet him and maybe acquire a spoon of his.

Finally the bottom right shows a few accessories. There is a old leather strope, a couple of homemade scrapers, and new this years is a spoon scraper and marking gauge from Lee Valley - thanks to Santa....
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  1. Looks like a lot of fun, carving in the living room.

  2. I is so much better then the basement. Having wood floors and a great Mrs help too.

  3. Crazy isn't it? I used to live an hour away from Barry, and never thought to see if I could stop by! (I think I was too shy...)

    I love seeing your work station! Thanks for sharing!

  4. Have you ever tried Kelrosing over a painted wood surface, like birdcarvings with Kelrosed feather details? Del said this seems to be new territory.
